Hey all. Just bought an mp3 player and am looking for suggestions for the best tunes EVER in the following categories: Dance, Funk-soul-blues, Sleepy (Gorgeous slow songs - no cheese),...
In The first episode from series 2 called "THE ENTERTAINER" where Manny plays the piano what is the first piece of music he plays - the fast, jolly piece?
I am respectfully asking this question, Reading betwenn the lines tonight, did you think i was someone you knew? If so? god help the beasts you have unleashed...lmao
Has anyone else noticed that CB drifts aimlessly between an **** ******* competion to all out gang warfare. There never seems to be a happy medium. Just my observation.
Being new to this site i always read the days posts to get an idea of the people using it. Is it usually this confrontational or are the peasants just revolting? Answers on a postcard please. :-)