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Would it be possible to have a sub-section under AB Suggestions called: >Sub-section complaints? It would be nice to confine them all into one place! Thank you.
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can we have one for the sex plis?
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I know you can add internal hard drives for computers but what about laptops? Is it possible to have additional memory added? I have a sony vaio laptop. Many thanks.
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Has anyone had any dealings with acer laptops as i am considering buying one but i have not had any dealings with them thanks
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I was told today that it is a good idea to "ferment" the files on my PC to save hard drive space. Anybody aware of such a procedure and if so how it is done and what it entails? Many thanks
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My friend has recently switched Broadband supplier from Tiscali to Sky. Part of the deal with Sky was that he gets a new netgear wireless router/modem. His Tiscali service stopped about 3 weeks ago...
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When i connect onto Lime wire, it always asks me if i want to connect to Limewire Pro. I am not sure what this is so will always so no, can somebody tell me what it is and if i should go on it.
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My Mum wants a new VCR (She will not have a Hard Disk PVR). It must be really easy to set up to record using the VideoPlus system or do they make them with on screen EPG (Electonic Programming Guide)...
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my partner i think is seeing someone, i used to know the pass to his hotmail account, he has recently changed this adding to my suspicion. Is there any way I can access his account without him...
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i recently removed some files from my pc that i wasn't using anymore, then when i turned on my pc again the sound was gone so i tried to find the problem with no success so i restored my pc to 3 days...
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Is it better to switch off broadband when leaving the computer on standby, or does it not matter ? Concerned re others gaining access during down time.
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Hi - Is there anyway to email a copy of your calendar on Outlook - I can't see a way to do it at all - I don't want to share the calendar and I don't want to export it to an excel document. Any ideas?
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Stupidly I logged on to my b/f's email today and found a link to a site I'd rather he wasn't on (yes I know I shouldn't have done it!) but now I need a get out because we're going to 'discuss' it...
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Does anybody know how to delete this program? I have an mp3 player that needs wmp 10 but i cant install it cause i have 11. and when i try to delete it from program files it say that anothr person or...
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Morning Ed - As dear Dot is a popular member of AB, I have posted birthday greetings to her/him (?) on four different threads & in different categories. Also posted the same for someone elses birthday...
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Wee Kaz
Ok, we all do it at work, surfing on the internet that is, but what do you do when you find out your company is trying to trace what sites you have visited within a certain period? The questions I...
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Me & my fella both had our laptops on, which are connected to the internet wirelessly. I opened up iTunes, & down the left hand side it came up with "Shared - Dave's eTomi Tunes" which I've never seen...
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with a DVD recorder or a hard disk recorder, can you record Sky as you can with an old fashioned VCR, or do you need to have Sky plus.
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True blue
Thinking of getting a new plasma tv. Has anyone any recommendations on different products for a 42" .
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Is it possible to change the settings on my PC to automatically reboot if a powercut occurs? Thank you!

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