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I appreciate that the currency for the Czech Republic is the crown but as I will be there for only a couple of days I wonder if they are likely to accept Euros and Sterling.
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My screen picture has been reduced to about 75 per cent. The bottom 25 per cent is just a blue screen with the icons appearing in a vertical column on the right side of the screen instead of...
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It has been suggested that my wife and I should complete "Lasting power of attorney " documents to avoid any problems should we become incapacitated. Is this something we can do simply or...
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Can anyone please sort this out for me if 2 +3 = 10 7 + 2 = 63 6 + 5 = 66 8 + 9 = 96 Then 9 + 7 = ???? I am told you need an IQ of 120 to solve it. that rules me out....
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Can anyone who has done a cruise up to St Petersburgh tell me the best weeks of the year to go for warmth and if possible a calm sea. Thanks in advance...
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Clue 1 Smart route 5 letters beginning with A Clue 2 Establish co-operation 6 letters I would welcome your help...
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The height of the picture on my PC screen . has been reduced to about 75 per cent. leaving the lower 25 per cent blank .The width is full but possibly stretched. Can anyone please advise me how to...
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I don't know what I've done with my PC but the picture is now bigger than the screen. I'd welcome any help in how to restore the picture size to screen size ( 17 inch monitor)
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We are told that scientists have created artificial sperm,well good for them. Most of us can create the real thing. Already some women are joking ( I hope) "Now we can be rid of men" My question is if...
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We are told that scientists have created artificial sperm,well good for them. Most of us can create the real thing. Already some women are joking ( I hope) "Now we can be rid of men" My question is if...
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Crossword clue Us stocks monitor. 3 words three five and five I have _ O _ / J _ _E _ / _ N _ E _ a second clue is Hidden danger 5 letters I have SH_ A _ Any help welcome
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Can anyone please provide answers for the following US stocks monitor 3 5 and 5 I have _O_ / J_ _ E _ / _ N _ E _ next clue is Hidden danger 5 letters I have S H _ A _
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Many thanks to Craft1948 and Chuckfickens for your help Isn't life good when people help you out.
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I would like to set up my computer to randomly display my pictures as screensavers when I'm not using it . Can anyone help please
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I would like my computer when not in use to randomly display my pictures as screensavers. I would be grateful to anyone who can advise me how to set this up.
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I'm going to Nova Scotia this year and plan to hire a car or borrow one from a friend whilst we are there. Do I need to inform either my car or travel insurance companies about this.
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About 20 to 30 years ago I had a piece ot text (credited to a roman soldier) who complained that every time the legion perfected one thing another general would alter it. They would then start over...
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My thoughts on Roy Keane are that if he had not been a succesful footballer, he would have been an IRA terrorist and he would have been well suited to that task. I live a long way from Ipswich but...
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I would like to travel To Australia (probably Sydney) out of Manchester and not get involved with the London airports. Has anyone any good or bad experiences with the few airlines available.

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