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Francis Asis
My car battery was disconnected and now the radio wont work. I need to input a key code but I dont know it. There is no Rover dealer in my area. Does anyone know a way round the problem? Thanks in...
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is a Nokia 7610 compatible with the orange network?
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i found an 02 sim card in my local chip shop of all places and foolishly put it in my mobile phone for a nose and discovered it had 3 quid on it so decided to use it until the cred ran out,anyway the...
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I found out about 15mins ago. Wow, an uncle at the age of 27, it makes me feel like an artifact lol. Wow, i'm going to crack open a bottle of bubbly and spray it all over myself. (Its only a cheap...
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Apart from the 02 website, is there another website that offers free texting to uk phones?
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i need a new telly, but where do i start ??, what do i need for the future,freeview,??,etc etc ,please some SIMPLE suggestions ,i just want a tv,not home cinema,bla bla bla
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What little things make you laugh? Things that you KNOW noone else would find funny so you keep to yourself? Go on, try sharing them! My favourite at the moment is a business in town. They're called...
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hi is there anyway in which i can reset my laptop so that it starts off the way it was when i 1st bought it from shop?
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Hi is there such a site that lets you listen to new song releases for free without having to download anythin?
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AB Asks
The driving theory test is being made more difficult to try and make sure people are better drivers. Is this the best way to do it? Or should the government be doing more to improve standards?
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I would like to join a group that only wants to get the Muslims out of this country, but i am not becoming a jew, the BNP want shot of everyone with a tan and i have no problem with any other culture...
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Thought the radio people were going to win the other night but just a slightly easier question for the eggheads (yet again) made them the losers. The producers must know by now exactly what sort of...
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if you go on a first date or meet someone and end up having sex. does this mean that they /you are a bad person or too easy ? or can it sometimes lead to a lasting relationship? if you think its too...
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hi i have just passed my theory test and would like 2 pass my driving test as soon as possible,is a 1week crash course in Blackpool my best option or should i stay local and just have lessons?
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Marky B
Does anyone know the number I need to contact for the Orange Network? I am having a bit of trouble with my mobile. I have been to their local shop twice - one girl put me on to the main centre and...
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hi ive just taken part in this I.Q test on bbc1 and scored 42/70 but i missed the score chart at the end which tells me what my I.Q is and when i went onto site to find the...
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setup my wireless belkin router and now i cant get in2 msn 2 see my buddies it keeps sayin try again later any ideas guys???
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how do you post a thank you back to a previously asked queston?
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Why do they all look the same? what happens 2 their faces that makes them all look so terribly alike?
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the walls are 2 hard 2 hammer nails through etc so any ideas what i could use to pin the wire to the corner of the room so it doesnt just hang down lookin an untidy mess?

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