Any1 know what Dvibna meant by Pete's had a bad day and n incident with his coat. What hapened and why did he not join the others. did Rula do or say something about the coat???
Is anyone else outraged by the amount of bullying in Celeb BB this year, I think its aweful, first Pete rips Jodie to bits and now its Traci, soft targets Pete!!! Would love to see someone so in there...
I bought an X-box joypad on Ebay. However on receipt it didn't work right. I've been in contact with the sellar who agreed to take it back. He was a little bit awkward about it, but it was quite a...
Hello. I had a look at my account yesterday, and realised I was over my overdraft limit for about ?15. I'm getting paid tomorrow at midnight. The reason I'm so overdrawn is because work "forgot" to...
My mate runs his own company and in a bit of a bind. In one of the departments (i think it's procurement or something, but it's not really relevant). there's a supervisor who works part time with a...
yesterday i went to holland and barratt i go every month and spend about ?40 i walk round and get what i want and mr m stands by the door and comes and pays when i have finished the lady came...
Companies (especially banks) charge money for sending you letters. Is there anything to stop you from writing a letter and charging them for your time? What about if someone wrote the letter on your...
can anyone recommend a good way of helping with IBS? i get terrible stomach aches and seem to get incredibly bloated after i eat anything at all. The doctor prescribed mebeverine but it doesnt seem to...
Iam already on msn messaging. Is it possible to be on yahoo messenger as well.I have downloaded the yahoo messenger but it wont let me sign in.what i mean is can I run both i dont mean at same time....
OVer the last few years i've set up 3 hotmail accounts which all had different purposes. I'd now like to be able to merge them so i only have to log in once - Is this possible?
Whenever I try to download anything on Limewire, the download rate is only 1 or 2 kbs a second and the track will stop downloading at 1%, I'm on broadband and this problem has only happened during the...
Can anyone explain why films are often released weeks, sometimes months later in the UK? I can understand that dubbing into other languages takes time, but that obviously isn't the reason.
I posted the Barrymore question earlier, because I was thinking about it, and was outraged he should receive any money for appearing on BB. That has now got me thinking, and I have decided I am going...