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821 to 840 of 1953

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Sad that it has to come 'from the grave'. A great man doing his all for his country and was treated so shabbily. Shouldn't the government adopt his recommendations as his legacy?...
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Ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah Oh-oh-oh-oh-wah Only the lonely Only the lonely Only the lonely (dum-dum-dum-dumdy-doo-wah) Know the way I feel tonight (ooh-yay-yay-yay-yeah) Only the lonely...
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I often wondered why this jerk was so keen;
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Every night I hope and pray, a dream lover will come my way ..........
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The Labour leadership candidates (& the rest of the Corbynistas) never stop banging on about these, but they never define them, what do you think they mean?...
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'The Bill cleared its final Parliamentary hurdle at 6.17pm when the House of Lords bowed to the will of the Commons, which had overturned every amendment by peers this week. After three years of high...
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If I watch a YouTube on my TV alone, like the content & think Mrs K would like to see this, so I stop it maybe half-way through. When I return to it so we can watch it together from the start, it...
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The Whitehall farce continues, thoughts please;
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Could the 2020s see an upsurge of full-scale rebellion against stultifying wokeness?...
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....does he deserve it?
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How can I install an app to listen to podcasts on my computer (chrome) which one should I chose & then how does it work please?...
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I almost feel sorry for him (not really) do you? 'Jeremy Corbyn now cuts the sorriest figure in Westminster. The crackle has gone out of his cornflakes. The chain is rusty, the tyres are flat, the...
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A good idea? is the UK is too centralised in the London bubble?
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Once upon a time if you walked by a building site it was loud with singing, people sang in factories & pubs. My mother used to sing when she worked around the house & we kids used to sing rhymes &...
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.... but she doesn't have a lot to say.. Have you seen her driving her Range Rover with aplomb (but looking a little cross) at 93, isn't she fantastic?...
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“Brexit is going to happen and we just have to give Mr Johnson the benefit of the doubt.” [i] Gina Miller to the Evening Standard Londoner's Diary [i] Perhaps George Soros' dosh has finally dried...
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Khandro the taxpayer's expense; nice work if you can get it?
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Major Nanson thinks it might, he says try this Royal Military Academy Sandhurst morning routine for size. Wake up around 5am, make your bed in crisp hospital corners, iron and fold all clothing to the...
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Has anyone watched it ? We saw the final episode last night & I marked it as a 10. Wasn't sure when watching it whether it was magic-realism, science- fiction or a documentary., great!...
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He said, "All this hypocrisy makes you the worst people in the world to lecture the rest of us about morality or pretty much anything," then socked it to them: "If you do win an award tonight, don’t...

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