The inglorious departure of the poison dwarf, unbelievable, & cheers for Bridgen This is an edited version, the...
I have a ground floor extension on my house which has a flat bitumen roof, it is well waterproof but is black & has small puddles after rain & as it can be looked down on from that side of the house...
I have a friend in the UK whose son has got onto serious trouble with the law. He is under arrest & facing drug related & burglary charges, he is just 20. It's come out of the blue for them & they are...
I have recently changed my provider. With the previous one, German TELEKOM I had a rented router called a Speedport. Now I have left them & cancelled the contract they want me to return the router...
When Lenin, (so much admired by some of our current prominent politicians!) seized power in 1917, the Bolsheviks integrated atheism into their vision of heaven on earth. The dream of mass atheism...
At the top of the Netflix home-page is a magnifying glass symbol & a box in which to type what you wish to find. The problem is, it never finds anything (for me at least) even if I know it is...
Something has happened on my wife's lap-top; at startup when she clicks on the icon on the desktop for windows explorer (W7) instead of the full Google page showing only the top appears with most of...
Sweet Disorder. A sweet disorder in the dress Kindles in clothes, a wantonness A lawn about the shoulders' thrown Into a fine distraction An erring lace, which here and there Enthralls the crimson...
There's a picture of President Johnson in this link; What kind of material...
Coleridge thought that everything that is meant by 'nature' - wind, sea, light, darkness, natural shapes etc. - is a form of God's language to us.
Would you agree?...