Should I report to the ambulance service that I think one of their employees is conducting an affair in the ambulance? I've seen this one guy (in his greens) outside where I work twice, on his own...
When I open Windows XP I get a pop up; ' Run as' asking me 'which account do you want to use ..' I have tried using 'system restore', but for the first time in my computing life it does not work...
You do not realise how many neck movements you make in a day until you strain a muscle at the gym!! Just raising my head off the pillow was a struggle, then showering, getting chamged, driving to...
On Immigration: Straw finally admits Labour 'messed up' by letting in one million East Europeans!!!!!! So that's OK is it Jack, now you are more than comfortably off, and living in your luxury home?...
A day or two back a contributor here said…. “It's [the Bible's] contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date.” …. but he declined to...
Tim Berners-Lee seems to think it is, although the Heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ may well take a different view this...
Watching PMQs today, what a Power Shower we have in control now, Cameron and his Clowns, all he can say is I blame the party opposite. Does he not know that he is in power, not labour, he and his...
Hi Can anyone please give me advice on how to get to Cadiz from the Uk, preferably by public transport. In the past I have flown to Malaga and driven. I've also flown to Cadiz and then got bus. Does...
A atheist raised the following problem: “To some extent there is order, wonder and beauty in nature. But this is only one half of the picture. The other half is terrible chaos.” Then, after... But, why do these people get anonymity orders imposed. Now he has slipped through the net, we all worry to what end? If there is reasonable doubt as to this...
Baroness Warsi says banning the burka would be like banning the mini-skirt
A CD-R, I used to use a while ago- it's a language course- now doesn't open up, instead I get a message; 'Unsupported Configuration. Sorry your screen resolution is not supported. Try a different...
Did anyone see the snippet about George Brown attending a function in South America, heard music and tottered over to a fetching figure in a purple dress. "May I have this dance with you" he asked....
Now the sparrows have learnt all the acrobatic tricks of the blue and great tits I have been feeding for several years, the aggressive sparrows don't give the tits a look-in. I don't mind feeding the...
but it's also about the insurance group and the excise duty. Could anyone peruse the details and give an informed opinion as to which would be the most economical if it is mechanically reliable...