Whether or not the charges of abuse against a minor by Rolf Harris are true or false has yet to be proven, but I hear he is to be charged with 'Making indecent images of children'. Does such an...
My daughter (45) has worked for a number of years at a wildlife rescue centre and has much experience of caring for injured animals but doesn't have any qualifications to move on, which her...
My Uncle will be 80 years old in November, there is a secret do being held at the 'Holiday Inn' with a Jazz band so everything is going smoothly. My biggest problem is what to get as a gift, I'm...
In discussions on R&S both here and elsewhere one often hears questions like Why are you bothered? Why don't you just let people believe what they want? What harm does religion do? This is one example...
Someone was asking for recommendations the other day, and as I've been sorting out all my books I've picked the following six to lend to someone I know as I think they're all good reads. The bolter by...
So, what else can I put in a shoebox to send out to Kandahar other than food? I'm sure he'll be sick to death of Haribo and Maryland cookies any time now and he's got enough ground coffee to last him...
Rod Liddle, in the Sunday Times, reports that UKIP is now using psychometric testing of its candidates. This is to ensure that they have candidates that conform to some standard. Many have failed to...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2396965/Tearful-Oscar-Pistorius-charged-court-murdering-girlfriend-Reeva-Steenkamp-trial-date-set-March.html Do you agree it was premeditated murder or perhaps...
Assuming this article is factually correct, the CPS believed this woman's claim but could not take it to court because: " Any charge would have been under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 and proceedings...
With all the controversy over fracking, nuclear power, etc, etc., with a good deal of the earth covered in water, it seems to me that with a little innovation, we have potentially all the power we'll...
I’ve been trying to find a new tea bag after the one I usually buy has been taken off the market. There is a dazzling array of tea & tea bags out there and it has made wonder why as a nation we...
There Is No God, the Wicked Sayeth "There is no God," the wicked saith, "And truly it's a blessing, For what He might have done with us It's better only guessing." "There is no God," a youngster...
Some fields came up for sale on the outskirts of the village where my family live in the Darlington area. The fields have been used to keep horses and other animals in over the years but then were...
Only another 500,000 or so illegal immigrants and fake asylum seekers to get rid of. Abu Qatada's family leave UK for Jordan The family of deported radical cleric Abu Qatada have left the UK, the Home...
Inspired by an earlier thread. Do you think natural remedies have some uses, or are they a load of tosh? I feel if something is effective and safe, it would have a license. However, i have used a few...