The veyron did 252 5 years ago and several cars have topped that. That last few MPH is going to be exponentially difficult. How far are we from the...
If you were treated with no respect at all because of you were not the most attractive, how would you deal with it? I am a 32 year old female, and because I am not the most attractive, I am not...
Does this ruling mean that Scientology is a real religion now, rather than a ludicrous cult, made up by a science fiction writer ?...
I recorded this film, we watched it last night, and the recording stopped just before the end (and my name is mud!) Fast Eddie (Paul Newman) was just about to take on Tom Cruise in a final pool game;... /// “This is yet another attack on those who opposed the... /// They added: “The typical fictional homicide is part of a planned series committed by a...
I notice there are a lot of 'boycott the Winter Olympics' and protest posts against the Russian attitude towards the LGBT community; and quite rightly so. Also we have seen a lot on the TV and in the...
A person's personality can sometimes be radically and permanently altered by brain injury, disease, emotional trauma, drugs and alcohol. This is an established fact. If we also accept as fact the...
For one reason or another I have had to knock alcohol on the head, but since doing so (I am still very early days) I have noticed a massive increase in appetite. I would have thought it was the other...
Bit long isn't it! Started at 3.30 today still going on, I am looking forward to the games but is it necessary to have such a long opening show, watched all the Olympians parading, but ballet etc...
Skiing accident deaths are now expected every ski season. Famous skiing deaths include actress and wife of Liam Neeson, Natasha Richardson and singer/actor/US Congressman Sonny Bono. Ski accidental...
Morning. The internet seems to have gone a bit mad for this debate: (There's a lot of fluff at the beginning - skip on!) Bill Nye is a popular children's...
At what age would you consider right to give up driving? I've just applied to renew my licence online. I am thinking this is the last time I will apply seeing as I will be late 70's by next time. I...
A mini- storm has erupted, yet again, over a cartoon. This time it is an innocuous Jesus and Mo cartoon, worn on the T-shirts of 2 atheist studio guests debating religion on a BBC TV show. The BBC...