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That Pete will be well sick of Nikki before Friday? I find it rather a worry that a woman of 24 still has baby tantrums when she doesn't get her own way .... surely no man can put up with that for too...
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Just watching the catch up show on E4 and i'm so sick of hearing Richard slagging off Aisleyne to Nikki. What he said about her voting Nikki back in because she was the last resort was just nasty and...
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what did anyone make of it?
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unfortunately i dont really understand the whole betting odds thing but i hear that ais has gone from outsider to 3rd fave (after pete & glyn) and fave gal to win bb7. ive been totally sucked in and...
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who do you want to win? i would either like aisleyne, richard or glyn to win. i have really gone off pete.
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For me it's between 'Who IS she?' (Nikki) 'Susie, lovely Susie,' (Imogen, 'singing') and of course 'Hot topics hot topics hot topics' (Imogen Imogen Imogen) Others I can think of 'Wowser' (Pete)...
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i know sezer was charged with rape so what is Bonnie doing in court?
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During the 21 minutes, after being shocked that Grace didn't acknowledge either her or Jennie, Aisleyne asked if Grace had apologised to Susie... Grace made up some **** about 'a lot having come out...
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Is anyone else totally frustrated with BB, Firstly the returning HM should not be allowed to win. Secondly, Pete and Nicki, I just don't see it they don't seem together at all. Thirdly, it is going on...
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God i am soooo mad at how its been edited! Im recovering from an operation so i watch all the time and yesterday nikki & grace were appaulling towards aisleyne. Grace told a completely different tale...
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Grace is a hideous person- she proved that the first time around. She has not apologised for her behaviour, and she had appeared in Heat interviews, and never once showed any remorse. Now for some...
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oh god its just been on where she went in the diary room and was goin 'i belong in there!' how staged was really quite awful
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I know she has been one of the most boring housemates this year but she has provided me with 2 of the most annoying songs that i cant get out of my head ! The first one was her Susie song 'Oh Susie...
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Wtf is her problem with ash? ash never did anything to her and i don't believe ash ever 'bullied' nikki so what is there problem? jealousy? On bb website it says grace and nikki have been making catty...
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i was really lovin' glyn but ive just watched the e4 repeat of last night and omg i cant believe his PATHETIC attempt to defend horseface, talk about bot having a leg to stand on!!! Good on ais and...
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am i the only one who thinks richard should be in with a chance of winning? Everyone slags him off. He has done more than pete - although i like him too. He always joins in with tasks and games, has...
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Ok - so we all know that Nikki livened up the house and provided entertainment - but don't lets forget all her baby strops. Now she's seen herself been portrayed on the outside as some hilarious...
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she is really starting to bug me now! i used to like her at one point and wanted her to win but now she just is so annoying, last night she was like ooooo id love to see nikki! when she nos nikki...
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yet another what do you think is happening?
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If you were put in charge for next years show, and were told that it had to be changed so that more people would watch it. What would you introduce/change?

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