As a new dad I am constantly frustrated by the selfish gits who block pavements making ti impossible to pass whilst pushing my daughter in her buggy. It's as equally frustrating trying to get in or...
How can I stop someone's cat pooing in my garden.? I have nothing against this animal but don't consider it's droppings too be very safe in my garden due to my young son. I also think it is a bit...
I need an identical picture on every page of a document, and don't want to have to manually insert the picture on each page. I'm thinking of the way that headers and footers appear on all subsequent...
I heared a song at a friends house once that kind of went: 'ooooooooooooooohhhh ive been struck by lightning' in a funny way at the begining and there was another one that went: 'I'm go-ing slightly...
Does this website attract the most bad-tempered users of any website on the internet? twice i have read answers saying 'use a search engine', or words to that effect, written in a bad-tempered way....
In the current Prudential advert there is a poem about photographs, where can I get the word to this? Is it an actual poem or just one written for the advert? Thanks in advance.