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What is the meaning of 'put out the word' in the following sentence? As soon as we knew that it was a deep earthquake- that it was this type of earthquake- we immediately put out the word that we...
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Why does the phrase of "go off on a tangent" become to mean "to suddenly start doing, discussing, or thinking about something completely different"?
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what is the meaning of "plowed on" in the following sentence? The professor told his neurobiology class he was going to use the program which compares a student's term paper with every other...
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What is the meaning of "what the Internet giveth, it may now taketh away." in the following sentence and why is the word 'giveth' or 'taketh' used?   The Internet may have initially allowed...
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What is the meand of "pagan survivals" and "backlash against herbalists" in the following sentence? For several centuries dominantly Christian societies believed that Satan  was acting through...
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What is the meanig of "rear guard action" in the following sentence? "On the way back to their boats Masons men were surprised by a party of about three hundred Pequot warriors. The white men and...
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What is the meaning of "bring ... back into line" in the following sentence? "What was to become known as the Pequot War was to start, however, on the water. A group of mischievous Pequots had taken a...
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What is the meaning of brink literally?
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What is the meaning of voting record in the following sentence?When Representative James M. Curley vacated his overwhelmingly Democratic district to become mayor of Boston, Kennedy ran for that seat....
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What is the meaning of "hollow phrase" in the following sentence? The Supreme Court of the United States held in the Civil Rights Cases109 US 3 (1883) that the Fourteenth Amendment did not give the...
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What is the meaning of "rather than name" in the following sentence? The first Jim Crow law was passed in 1723, when blacks in the state of Virginia were stripped of the right to vote and own...
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what is the meaning of "line" in the following two sentences? 1. Because of the acute need for officers at the beginning of the American Civil War, naval tradition was ignored and commodore became for...
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What is the meaning of "take over " in the following sentence? "After the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, most European countries started to take over the newly discovered lands."
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What is the meaning of "working out of a garage" in the following sentence? "In the late 1970s, two young California entrepreneurs, working out of a garage, assembled the first widely marketed...
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I found the following sentence in the book "Word Smart". I want to know that whether 'Aunt Mabel' is a real person or fictional one and if she is a real person, who she is. "Even though Jerome did...
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In American English, what is the difference between tenement and apartment building?
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What is the meaning of "by training" in the following sentence? "He was a naval officer and engineer by training."
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What is the meaning of "receive play' in the following sentence? : By the spring of 1964, Lyndon Johnson had begun to use the name "Great Society" to describe his reform program, and that term...
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what is the meaning and origin of epitome
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What is 'office football pool'?

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