Been referred to the local outpatients for the above. Anyone ever had the op? Think they sew a piece of mesh in to hold it all together. It'll be a fair few months yet so i need to know what to...
28, between top & bottom ,more often in july than december 29, called this after death ,u.s.a. holiday 12th october 36, do this if not liked & find these on golf course 39 , headwear , accident 83, to...
I have had a cold since Tuesday. The cold itself is not now too much of a problem. But I have a dry hacking cough (non productive) which is persistent - despite my drinking copious amounts of orange...
9a hot but pleasant outside the recess n?c?? 12a how the ark was illuminated ???????t 18a former raf officer certain to get publicity e?p?s?r? 5d form of punishment for NCO c?????A? 6d new kind of...
help needed with a musical work [4] ???m drink for a horse ? [7] ??????t exchange post on break in one's journey [4,4] ???p ???? - swap sth ? taking one's turn at the bran-tub whilst having a swim !...
Can anyone help me find these answers which all have either AND or BUT in them? Sample: Bicycle built for two - Tandem 1. Very secretive 2. Agent supplying retailers 3. This sign represents a word you...
Have hit a bit of a wall and would appreciate a bump start..... 23a fish that's half-dead we put in prison ??I?????L 15d After 100 years cider makers found trees ??????S?S Any help very gratefully...
I'm finding it hard to get a way into this. 24 D. Valerian's about to stop abruptly about what broke loose in uproar (7) ??ea??? 10 D. Where to get water very possibly with froth on top (8) ?e??l???...
We're having a friends reunited reunion afterparty and we want to have a real cheese and cornfest theme regarding snacks, drinks and fancy dress. So far for drinks we have cinzano, martini,...