Can you be honest if you cant be honest as only honest people need to answer this as I am honest and I wish you all to be honest. So what is your darkest deekest secret then. If you open up and tell...
Hows you this fine evening? Im eating a lovely penne pasta in a tomato n chilli sauce with a nice bottle of valencian rose yummmmmmmmy Legends never die.
A load of planks on here tonight may I invite the peeps that I know that are not planks into my thread and you all know all you are and even the trolls have not come here yet, but time will tell. so...
For the stag doo and it is a plan like nobody has ever done before and it will be sooo brill. Sorry cant tell anybody as it is a secret in my mind and noboby will suss this out until they do it . aND...
got dared to post this question.. estion549206.html What is the weirdest/strangest thing you have ever had to do at work... Mine is trying a body bag on...
Checked out another "Chatterbank" site as recommended by Legend, One topic section was Bra information, do you think we should add this topic to Answer Bank Share the cup of human kindness
Ive got a ton of emails telling me that I have answers to my questions submitted but cant log on! Ive checked and am using the right password, what's the script??
For a bit of benidorm tonight then. You just know that you all will p1ss yourself laughink at it. It is more better than the chatterbank annit.