I feel a bit miffed , and not sure if I should be feeling this way as there's no written law that says " Thou shalt be the only bigmamma on AB " . However , what do you think and have you noticed the...
Who wants to see my little willey. Cause little little willie wont go home. And you cant tell willie where willie wont go. Etc, etc, etc, Its his birthday tonight. This time today he got de-virgined...
would you most like to tell how wondrous they are in a slightly nauseating sycophantic way while lighting a pound town candle at the foot of a plasticine model of them, while wearing a t shirt of a...
is this gimp session week or was it just bloody windy the day and i got blown into this lol xxxxxx http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d95/coolazpe ngiuns/comedy/funny.gif
be my friend (how pathetic does that sound lol) search for gemma ann potticary Go on you know ya want to go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go to go on go on go on go on go to...
I've said it before and I'll say it again.Would AB please remove that extremely annoying advert below with the woman making faces that looks as if she is a) constipated and b) simple
my next door neighbour has just given me some really good jigsaw puzzles, made me think about all the great board games we played Trivial pursuit Scrabble etc. Do You still play board games
Ater a post last night about my use of the word gimp to knobby i thought id take a look at the urban dictionary.This was the reference book /website used as basis for the thread.Although highly...
1, for services to trivia would you award cazzz a C.B.E or an O.B.E? 2, if you pop a box of pringles, can you stop? 3, have you ever attempted to blow a condom up whilst its over your head? 4, if you...
My Daughter (4) isnt a very good traveller she get very nausea and sometimes sick when we travel. we're going to the U.S. in summer. is there any good tablets she could take before we go? ive heard of...