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off to my kip.take care and avoid the trolls lacey , facey , spacey . nite nite xxxxxxxxxx
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It seems pastafreak has been banned for some reason?I wonder why anyone would report pasta?Strange behaviour indeed.She cant get in shes dungeoned.
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Aren't you all happy??? xxxx
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A short time ago i got a phonecall from whiffy.Which he can confirm im sure.seems my posts were reported by dot and her im not usually that receptive to whiffy,but i got outta bed.and hes...
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Have I ben banned?
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So who's up waiting for it?! I've just drank a bottl;e of champagne with my mum, boyfriends out watching it and baby fast asleep - i'm over excited (and slightly tipsy!). Sad but true...!
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On why the beta site is tottaly imposible tonight. I think as legend is not on here tonight as he is busy packing his sporrens that he has slipped the ed a half dozen bottles of scotch and told her to...
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dolly pond
both were soooooo bad!!! anyone think i`m wrong? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lets see...... i was right last week, for bev and hope c
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Over the last few days I have received over 800 spam emails - have I done something that caused this and how can I stop it? eg system administrator - undeliverable. mailer demon etc. Thanks in advance
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As quite a few of you know, my daughter was expecting twins, however we were recently advised that she was having what is termed a Mono-amniotic pregnancy, and that the outcome wasn't great. During...
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As she has been through a lot just lately have you seen this Sorry boo if you did not want this posted but it has to be seen and we love you. and you know that I mean well....
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when will ab ed actually do what it sasys on the homepage? ban abusive posts and memebers? or are you just lying when you post that there? if not then start doing sometghing instead of posting sweet...
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tiny e.a
How do you all feel when you hear the words, 'I've got so many holiday/travelling/christmas/anything else you might find applicable photos to show you'. I've just heard them and I personally feel like...
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Been to visit my 93 year old great aunt in Huddersfield Hospital today, her cancer has spread and is causing renal failure, which means she only has a few days left. She is always cheerful but...
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It's two years tomorrow since my lovely husband died (he was only 47). Some days, I'm fine - normal, happy self - but others, I'm so down in the depths of despair. I don't really know how to explain,...
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what a dreary boring night. to compound that fallen out with a friend and then came on here and its so dull. off to my bed now. fed up bored its just dull
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I'm hoping it's Adele, she was so excited at getting through to the final and I didn't really like her before, but then that's probably just the character she plays on who is your...
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After just 2 weeks this fab programme seems to have disappeared off the tv listings. Any ideas?
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get rid of them all
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Just wanted to put a post up for you. You give great advice. Am not a stalker btw lol Oh and this is not a question. Better put the cork back in the bottle!

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