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sleep tight all of you. hope the other insomniacs get some rest and those of you who are suppoed to be working - why are you reading this?
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dear ed - we have a best answer do you think it would be a good idea to have a worst answer? we could then have another chance at a badge.
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i've just had another load of milk delivered. this means i have had 16 litres of milk that i haven't ordered and don't really want. any suggestion?...
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had a bit of a day so going to bed with a book to read. night night all. take care. xxx...
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think i will go to bed and read. take care all of you. xxx
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i have just opened the front door to see what the weather was doing and get the front door key in and found 8 litres of milk and six eggs on the door step. I last looked out at about 6.30pm and they...
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i am trying to find a copy of the knitting pattern for the sweater worn by sarah lund in series 3 of the killing but not having much success. one company says i can get a copy of the pattern for free...
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down boys do you have a duvet or do you use more traditional blankets?...
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thank goodness. sorry to those of you who enjoy the snooker but it will soon be over and then i can watch skiing....
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have you all bought your valentine cards, etc yet?
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have any of you come to any decisions today - important or otherwise - or have you like me spent the whole day being busy doing nothing? seem to have just drifted around today....
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would it be appropriate to have a heading (don't know what) so that we can remember or enquire about AB'ers we are concerned about? people who may be seriously ill or have died. it would be fitting...
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So sorry to read your sad news. (as posted on another thread). Do hope he did not suffer and itr is always worse for the ones left. my sincere condolences. xxx...
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am trying to have a good clear out of bits and pieces accumulated over the past few years. most just get dumped but some needs going through first and omg i've joined the abstinence club. have any of...
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is there anybody out there who like to have a chat?
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an advance birthday wish minty. hope you have a really enjoyable time. and dad is out of hossie. what could be a better present. even more pleased for you. wonderful. xxxx...
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i know that gness does not appear to be around at the moment so thought i would wish you both a pleasant day and politely reqest that you join me for a coffee and glass of grappa - now.
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how the devil are you all this mroning? Hope you are all well and happy . Hope you all had a very good day yesterday and have an even better day today....
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hi owd. i know this is usually job for gness but i have got to go off and do other things and just wanted to say good morning to you and mrs owd before i go. hope i have not offended gness by getting...
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although i like the feel of books and opening one up gives a lot of pleasure i am thinking of buying a kindle for use whilst travelling or on holiday. what make, kind, etc would any of you recommend?...

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