9a.carefully inspect a bill in an American restaurant(5)c-e-- 16a.a type of wheat grown in parts of Europe that's spelled differently(5)s-e-- 7d.pay close attention,its a fake tea token(4,4)t---/n---...
Just a pointer towards the answer, please. If Thames St gives cheeses and moor-fields old books, what gives old suits? (8,6) Last question- all answers are British Counties or county towns present and...
stuck on 3 24 a soubriquet 8 letters -I-K-A-- 20 d embraces, takes in 6 letters A-0-T- 18 d infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus 7 letters -E-S--- Thanks in advance...
Hi please can someone help me is it true if you place a half lemon in the fridge it dispels all smells, also what can I use to make freezer smell good after leaving door closed . Any suggestions...