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I don't think the score line tells the whole story though. Ooh she's just won a game, good.
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I'm on BBC1 and when I press the Red Button I don't get any other Wimbledon options. Can anybody enlighten me please.
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She's serving to stay in the match. Watching anyone?
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Anybody else watching?
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If it has I can't find how to do it. If it doesn't, does anyone know who does? Thanks....
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Have a look at these OATs - Old Age Trendsetters for the uninformed. Do you think they look good? Are you an OAT? http://www.dailymail....age-trendsetters.html...
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Only got them last year as 3-year olds and had ONE plum from the lot. So chuffed to see loads on each tree this year and now they're decimated. We're down to 7 pears on one tree and 5 on the other. I...
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I'm having problems with Autotrader and wondered if it's my laptop or them. Could somebody pull up a selection of cars and then click on the main picture of one of the cars itself. Then when you have...
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I have bought a piece of furniture on ebay and a company I found on the tinternet won a bid to deliver. Two men are bringing it and will carry it up one flight of wide, not steep, stairs. It shouldn't...
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I've just sliced a piece of Brioche and layered a massive blob of Cornish Clotted cream over it, then layered sliced strawberries on top of the cream, then put another slice of Brioche on top with...
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A friend of mine has just had her new scooter knocked over by a car that didn't stop. Two workmen nearby saw it happen and took the culprit's reg number. There is some slight damage done to the...
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Do abers feel it's OK for her to continue to add to a family that she has already proved incapable of nurturing and providing for? Where do you draw the line with her and families like hers? What can...
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She says that the Greeks should help themselves by paying their taxes. http://www.telegraph....paying-their-tax.html I heard on radio 4 yesterday that there are something like 3000 swimming pools in...
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It's just about to start on ITV1.
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Just heard on the news he is showing signs of coming out of his coma. Amazing don't you think?
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I've got 4 fruit trees in pots which are too small. I am moving them into individual wooden cube planters measuring 60 X 60 X 60cm. Each planter will need 4 bags of John Innis No.3 compost to fill it...
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This is about a little girl who suffers from cerebral palsy and is also blind and has her PB 'Service' dog stolen. http://www.dailymail....use-dog-fighting.html...
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The Conservative Party has denied it but .......?
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I'm thinking of changing from PAYG to a small monthly tariff which will be enough for my needs. These two phones both offer the same deal, one seems to have a better photo capability, but it's the GPS...

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