9pm ITV "A Cruel Love" about Ruth Ellis Based on Carol Ann Lee's bestselling biography A Fine Day For A Hanging, the ITV drama series is set in 1955. Am I the only one to remember this case? Can't... ...
I stopped looking into them after I caught a glimpse of an old man looking back at me. I was shocked, thinking there must be some dark, satanic power at work. Can you manage without using them?
... on your 100th birthday, would you be pleased? A friend's granny received one and threw it straight in the bin because the king was with Camilla in the picture on the front. For the record I... ...
I've just received a letter informing me that my benefit will be increased by April. Since when has old age pension been classified as a benefit? I have paid out for National Insurance... ...
Very sad to hear of the death of artist Jack Vetriano at age 73. Love his work and saw one of his very first exhibitions in Glasgow many moons ago. His name might not be familiar, but I'm sure... ...
https://news.sky.com/story/oscars-red-carpet-2025-all-the-best-looks-from-the-nominees-and-guests-13320525 Is it mandatory to look a complete doughnut? How do they sit down in these creations? ...
Was viewing old programs of this nutter the other night shouting with his big gob from the rooftops and no one taking a blind bit of notice. So so funny. :0)
What happens when the Council didn't collect the recycling for a neighbour I know who is elderly and has no way of taking it to the nearest recycling centre? She rang to complain, and they just... ...
For the first time ever we have mice!! I discovered mouse dropping in the cupboard under the sink, I have double checked all the other cupboards no evidence, even taken the kickboards off and no... ...
Can't understand how a guy who goes to the gym several days a week, eats sensibly, drinks alcohol occasionally, walks my dog Jay once every weekday and twice a day at weekends, suddenly doesn't... ...
I've been told by renewing our old about 20 year combi boiler would save 30% on gas, could this be true or is it just sales talk? Anyone had any experience of this?
A very cold but bright one here. Had a very unsettled nights sleep - kept having bad dreams. Really vivid ones, and whilst not quite nightmares they weren't very nice. Don't know why . Have woken... ...
I've just finished watching the Luther Vandross documentary, he was my music hero, loved him to bits, saw him live half a dozen times, and if I had a gun to my head it would have to be Never Too... ...
Boris Johnson is said to be eyeing up a political comeback and is said to be watching and waiting as to how the fate of the Cons unfolds for things to drop in his lap.It is alleged that he is... ...
Had a l-o-n-g appointment at Audiology last week where they gave me hearing aids for tinnitus relief, & a relaxation sound box for night (which is absolutely no use at all, it actually stresses me... ...