Major police operation' after driver rams into crowd in German city Police in the German city of Munich say around 20 people have been injured in a car-ramming incident. he incident happened in... ...
Energy Bill We are pleased to inform you that you are eligible to receive a £350 discount under the Energy Bill Support Scheme. To complete your application and secure your rebate, please provide... ...
Yet another dull, damp, great morning...... come on sunshine, where are you?? what's everybody got planned for today? I've got quite a lot of orders to process then think I'm going to take it easy... ...
Try To Be Nice Some people are jealous, And see through eyes of green. Some have have big mouths, And are hateful and the mean. Some don’t like happy people, And try to bring them down. Whenever they’re... ...
Good morning - my body clock is still all over the place, as you can see. Most odd. Oh well lol. Another dark and grey day here. Really miserable. Keep saying to myself that it will brighten up... ...
Hello, my toilet cistern needs a new ball cock. How much should I expect to pay a plumber to do this please. . I've no idea on these things and elderly lady living alive, I don't want to get ripped... ...
I've just had an email from Thames Water informing me I will be paying an extra £16 per month come April!!! I already pay nearly £800 per year. This is ridiculous, as pensioners where am I supposed... ... Albanian criminal scum not deported because his kid likes Britsh chicken nuggets! You couldn't make it up! ...
I have always believed in the above but I cannot get over the fact that today anybody I meet or talk to are completely obsessed with money - this makes me depressed as I believe that as long as I... ...
I have a Pukka All Steak Pie from Waitrose which has been kept in my fridge but is now over its Use By Date of 26 January. They are delicious but do I eat it or not? Advice please.
Any of the faithful here still believe in this crazy nonsense? If you want to see how absurd this superstition is just take a look at the first exorcism @ 1:07 If you want a laugh just watch all 18... ...
i joined slimming world last August and last night i got an award for grearest loser in our group i've lost 3st 3lbs ,i'm unable to do my steps now after the fall i had a couple of years back and... ...
I applied for a really nice house shared ownership but unfortunately Im £10000 short, they won't decrease the percent share from 50%. Gutted as its in a lovely location. Its my own fault for only... ...