I have a shrub in the garden which I have always called a mock orange blossom. Talking to someone today they told me that a mock orange blossom is a Philidelphus, which I also have. The shrub I am...
this is no longer a good deal, i need to find a better company, is there one or am i wasting my time looking, i only need broadband, landline, no need for mobile, tv and all that paraphernalia, "...
Despite the recent change in legislation the park home site owner has made it very difficult for me to sell a park home. Buyer A backed out of a sale following comments made about the home and general...
My dog is 12, always been scared of noises, doesn't even have to be loud. He is getting worse. Have tried CD's, tried sedatives for 5th November, but don't know what's going to set him off any more....
How do you revive a poorly bumblebee? There are loads of bumbees that end up in our office or on the stairs. They're alive but very slow. Can't be the cold, so how do you revive the poor wee things?...
How do you find it, reliable, fast? We have the option of satellite Broadband when we move but it will be shared, I'm not stuck on the "shared" bit but it is free. we will be in a very remote area of...
My stupid bengals were play fighting earlier, and leo put his claw right through lunas eyeball, (it was an accident) I have been to the vets and already there is an ulcer and an abcess has now...
Several times recently I have watched three squirrels at a time come scampering through the sycamore tree down to the grass, where they have - at breakneck speed!- collected mouthfuls of leaves and...
The Queen of Holland has announced today she is abdicating
now she is 75, has been on throne 30 years...
Do you think our Queen should abdicate?
Is this rare?We haven't seen it this week,but three times in as many weeks it has been sniffing around and on the bird table.I thought it might have smelt our rabbits and that was the attraction.I...
We have three bird boxes. They've been in our garden for sixteen years but remain empty. They are clean but obviously not positioned in the right places. Our garden faces south. Any hints on...
For the past two out of three nights, there has been a woman with two collies on leads and one of them is in heat. My black Lab Toby who is normally well behaved, just puts his nose exactly where it...