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after all the crap that has been posted today i'm just wondering, is anyone just chilled, happy no probs etc, etc, i realise this a rather broad q but really am i the only one fed up with the bitching
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Is it true that you can only get gold dental crowns on NHS and have to pay private treatment fee to have porcelain ones? Thanks. S.
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Is there any sleeping pill or tranquilliser that really works to knock you out for a flight (any phobia type training has failed) My son has such a bad reaction during the flight and now it looks like...
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i no that all children are different but i do worry that my son should at least be saying one word by now. he just turned one last week, he walks everywhere, can throw and kick a ball and i no he can...
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roger w
does any one know of a neat way to store spare sewing machine bobbins i am fed up of tidying them up also the thread gets tangled up what a mess. any suggestions please.
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AB Editor
Hi All Just Kidding! Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that today is my last day as your AB Editor. It has been a laugh, for sure and I will treasure all the sarcasm and confounding bits of...
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Marius C
If, say, I were paying spousal maintenance, then I married a girl who is earning a substantial amount of money, could my ex somehow then get hold of a proportion of my new wife's salary?
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how do you remove the build up of calls if option 3 to remove them doesnt work???
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Has anyone tried this? What were the results and how many sessions did you need? Is it worth the money?
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I would like to know how you can find out what is holding up a chain and preventing it from exchanging. There are five of us in a chain and we should have exchanged last Friday but this didnt happen...
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My wife and I seperated over 10 Years ago and never actually got divorced, she has recently informed me that she has now met someone else haand wishes to get a divorce. I am listed on the mortgage as...
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Is it true that on long haul ECONOMY CLASS flights, its ok to head to the galley and help yourself to drinks? does it inculde alcoholic drinks? I didnt know this!!!!
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Why does ITV insist upon butchering our language? First it was Jeremy Kyle on about someone being "patently ignorant" then on Emmerdale tonight it was apparently "patently obvious" - it's...
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Why can't i see my answers or anything in my profile? The screen is just white where you normal have the option to see your past activites. Thanks in advance.
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The trouble is that i am either overcome by desire and really interested in sex or (and usually right afterwards) am completely not interested and cant stand the thought of it. Either after sex solo...
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Does anyone know the best way (cheapest or fastest) of transferring money in the order of ten thousand pounds, to a personal account in the USA ? Thanks in advance
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Anyone know of a good website where you can buy those rolls with your name and address on to stick on letters and postcards?
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Has any body any advice or has the same problem as me. My son is 3 years old and sleeps with me and my partner he take up all the room and I end up sleeping at the bottom of the bed. when he was...
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On my ?69,000 repayment mortgage, i have to have an insurance which covers me for death, unemployment and serious illness. I pay ?85 a month for this. But, i'd like to think that i could insure myself...
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I notice that Delia Smith advocates using a whisk for mashed potato, does she mean one of those hand held thingies ??

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