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I am a student conducting a survey for my latest dissertation. Its titled 'What do cyber people eat for dinner'? If you could all help me I would be most grateful. Please answer what you will be...
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Hi I'm a member of Slimming World and have lost 2st 3 lbs. This has taken me since Jan 2005 which is ok in that I didnt want a diet that would restrict me too much because on past regimes I've always...
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What famous person do you fancy? but probably shouldnt :-)
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As I am enjoying getting to know everyone a little better, where does everybody live? To start off I live in london (well on the outskirts of Essex), a place called Chingford.
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Hi all, I have to take my pet hamster to the vets in a couple of hours to be put to sleep as he has a terminal tumour that is malignant and since it was diagnosed about 3 wks ago he has gone steadily...
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What films make you cry, my wife says Im an old softie but i would include BBC version Pride and Prejudice Scrooge Love Actually
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Does anyone know the name of the animated series (not a cartoon) that was a spoof on superheroes and amongst it's characters was a plastic soldier that had been melted?
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I have just washed my hair (with usual shampoo & conditioner-timotei coloured hair) and before blow drying (while wet) it i used a new product- tresemme silk shine straightener. my hair looks and...
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When was the last time you said or were told "I love you"? (to anyone, for any reason) x
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I have been told that its ok to give my rabbit bread, is this ok? thanks
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Can anyone tell me why Gino D'Acampo wheres a armband when hes on the show ready steady cook? thx
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What's the best excuse you've ever had to come up with to get out of going somewhere or doing something? x
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Hi smudge, Im sorry about the chest pains. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.x
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What is a belly button fastened to on the inside ?
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Do you think our pets sre capable of loving us ? I adore my dog and we spend almost all of our time together. There are times when we sort of gaze into each others eyes and I swear I can see love...
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Just wondering exactly how much do they wax? Also, how long does the hair need to be. Anyone had any bad experiences (or good)?
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zara 4
Is follyfoot available on dvd,i used to love that series and that theme but cant find it anywhere!!!!!!CHEERS
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Hi.. I cant believe how some people can act.. I have some "friends" that are so mean, and say the most katty things.. and lie about so much.. I know these are not great people to be around.. but even...
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Harry Nuttal
I'm doing a quiz and including an Our Survey Says section. What do you have for breakfast? sort of thing and was going to include a Which TV presenter / personality gets up your nose most? Any...

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