Can it ever work if 2 partners have very different expectations of the relationship? We are in our mid/late 30s and have lived together for 3 months.I've learned he is not the communicative type..he...
I am completly at my whits end and have no idea where to turn. For two years i have been with my boyfreind, who i am also living with, and things are very good. i moved to his home town, where i...
I'm trying to find out how easy it would be to install cctv at my stables and view the cctv from home on my laptop. The stables are 1 mile from the house and my internet connection is mobile...
Is this a bad thing? my partner is a primary school teacher but is no-way going to come out to anyone at his school - he thinks its a bad thing to do. What are peoples views on this - would it be...
Those who read the post last week, there have since been more shannanigans with our beer swilling friends. This morning the Rotty attacked a blind mand and his guide dog, final straw for me as I...
no, not shoes.. dress size. How many people do you know this slim? I went shopping im Asda and they have started knocking this size out. I know one person who wears a size 6 but she is 4ft9, a few...
Just got a new puppy and my 7 year old dog is very wary of it. He has always been brilliant with most dogs but is behaving very strange with the puppy. I have bought a large cage for the pup so that...
Every morning from my office window, I watch a group of about 10 drunks who wait outside the post office for their benefit, it would seem, most days. The council have kindly provided a lovely bench...
I've recently moved house and there is a train line at the back of the new house - its raised up on an embankment and you can see the trains go past. We've been there about 6 weeks and my cat, in the...
My neighbour has been using un-successfuly, until now, a 'humane' squirrel trap. What's the point of these? And what would he do with the caught squirrel besides giving it a good telling off for...
Yesterday I was pulling out my pups bed and blanket from his crate to wash it. I pulled his bed out first and put it on living room floor then as I was pulling his blanket out from crate my pup...
Hi there, i will be getting a cat in october and have heard a lot about the cat food iams is it really better than any of the other foods they normally eat or will i be wasting money buying it.
I own a 15 y/o mare (horse) and have owned her for almost a year now, when can I expect her to come into season ? I have no wish to breed from her, but my friend and i were wondering what to expect -...
My friend has just got a dog its a cross between a bull mastiff and a stafforshire. now shes got 2 children under 5 and i told her it wasnt a ideal choice. does any one have a experience of these...