Hi all. I'm allergic to anti biotics but whenever ive eaten a pro biotic yogurt it gives me stomach cramps so I just wondered if there was a connection and if anybody else has found this too. Thanks
I'm trying to save as much money as possible because I have alot of events coming up (holidays, weekends away and festivals etc) and I will be starting university in September. I work full time and...
Hi, if possible could someone please give me a quick list of hotels in Manchester within walking distance (approx. 10-15 mins) of The Academy at the uni. All help would be greatly appreciated
Sorry I really didn't know where to put this. Me and my bf are going to a music gig in Manchester on a friday and staying over so thought we'd make a night of it, does anybody know of any...
Hi, i've just had my car in for lots of repairs which seem to be mounting up everytime I phone the garage, although it is a reputable place I can't help feeling like i'm being ripped off (my immediate...
I know this has been asks lots of times but i've forgotten the answer. I think it's a mobile phone advert and goes "space travels in my blood" I've heard loads of different versions but still don't...
Hi, I had a Solo card but the bank has now changed it to a Switch Maestro but now I find that I can never pay for things on the internet because it always asks for a start date but it doesn't have...
Would anybody know or know where I can find out the best mobile phone contract deals around at the moment. I text alot more than I phone if that helps. I also want one that stays the same price for...
I really don't know which catagory to put this in but here goes... Has anybody seen a small black sticker on the back of some cars its in the shape of a leaf (maple?) and does anyone know what this...
Hi, can anyone suggest somewhere to travel to in Feb/Mar? We would only be going for 7 nights and would prefer somewhere hot, not too far away, somewhere lively but not full of drunk Brits (we can go...
I'd heard this phrase quite alot when I was young but recently heard it in a song. I get that it means something along the lines of giving something to somebody and then taking it away again but where...
Can anybody remember a programme a few years ago where two random celebs (usually ones that had never met before) would have dinner together in front of a camera. I was thinking about it last night...
Is anyone else having problems with Paypal this week? I can get onto the main page but when I try to sign in it takes ages and then shows the page as unavailable it was like it yesterday too.
Hi, I had my holiday jab on Monday which was Hep A & Typhoid in a single jab. I was wondering if this would have much effect on my body because I'm starting to feel really run down and got a sore...
this is abit of a long one so i'll try to make it as brief as possible. About 6 years ago I got a credit card whilst I was at college and had a part time job it only had a limit of ?200 after 6 years...
Hi I've bought a Fuji S304 which i'm finding great but wondered if anyone knew if you can buy any other lense step ring other than the 55mm and also where I could buy one from.
Hi me & my partner would like to go on a road trip around Europe, has anyone here done this and could they give us some advice about where to start, useful tips or any recommended websites as...
Hi All I've booked a holiday to Mexico in September only to find out this is the middle of hurricane season, I just wondered how dangerous this actually is? I thought we would've been warned by the...