hi my 7 month old baby lexi has almost given up on her milk feeds this has been going on since she was 5months she has a 6 ounce bottle at night with a rusk in a 5 ounce bottle in the morning with...
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/artic le3874574.ece Why should Prince Harry be presented with his Afghan medal by sister Anne? There are hundreds of other troops who have served their full...
The story has sent tremors around the world. An Austrian man has reportedly imprisoned, tortured and abused his own daughter for the last 24 years. He has allegedly fathered seven children with this...
My friend's husband has been working for a well known telephone company on a 6 month probation period. During this time, he has secured a massive account and when the transation is completed in the...
Recently there have been a spate of posts that have attacked Islam using some barbaric cultural behaviours (honour sic, killings), to try and evidence the belief that Islam supports violence towards...
Can someone explain to me why murdering your own daughter is somehow honourable when a woman talking to a man is somehow not? What is the perceived blemish that must be cleansed?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=562358&in_page_i d=1770 A blunt reminder to all those that are prepared to embrace Islam. These vile crimes committed under...
I would really like some opinions on this please. My seven -half year old daughter came home today saying that she was punished in her R.E class because when they played some Indian (Pakistan) music...
Plans to scrap the law that forces the oldest daughter of a monarch to make way for her younger brother in the succession have been dropped by ministers a week after being announced. The about-turn...
You cannot sweep these under the table and there are many more I could post, and most of them committed in this country. The Crown Prosecution Service says about 12 women are victims of honour...
When I was at college in 1983 my room mate had a tape of a group called The Movies and the album was called "Stage Door C". I believe that this album was deleted around about that year. Would anyone...
We have several of these trees at the end of our garden, which we don't want. As these trees are not near the house I was wondering if there was anything that could be poured onto the roots, rather...
I have looked for this interview on You Tube but can't find it. It was their first interview on 'In Bed with Paula' when they began their relationship. Anyone know where I can find it?
Firstly. I have been having this discussion with a friend at work. He is a hardline atheist but believes in ghosts, and even claims to have seen them in a house he once rented. I found this quite hard...
Why are Dogs allowed to walk Naked in the street and I'm not ? Why are dogs allowed to **** in the street and I'm not ? Ditto 'Have Sex'. Is the world Specist ?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7352125.stm http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-brit ain/leicester-to-be-first-city-where-white-peo ple-are-minority-401968.html Do you see someone of a different...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/73454 86.stm I'm sad to read this, as only just being 21, I used to love Smart and watched it alot and thought he was cool. I knew that he had gone missing,...
Fashion lecturer David Morris described the bra as "salacious". He added: "I can imagine women being upset about their daughters buying these 'pocket money bras' without their mums knowing. "The bra...
has anyone or does anyone know of anyone that has had one of these. I have just booked a consultation for one in London at the weekend. It is the thought of the acid on my face and melting the first...