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whilst trying to google some figures etc on teen pregnancies after a discussion on another thread i found a link to this with the bbc news page. now it...
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what does plankto consume?
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now i love a bit of wrigleys . but im wondering should one call it bubble gum or just chewing gum? i dont and never have blown bubbles with the gum. but many folk do. so bubble or chewing what is the...
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do that trick wheer you get a condma nd pull it over your head and inflate it ? ive seen it done in a pub in ireland before but never tried it. isnt it dangerous?
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Damn you new ed!
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when they record teenage pregnancies . i thought they were just talking about single teens . but then i wondered if youre married and nineteen and have a babby are you thrown in amongst the chavvy 13...
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Just a wee post to wish my favourite dog a very happy birthday today. Shove as many biscuits under the fridge as you like today Angus, you're allowed to do what you want and you deserve to be spoilt!...
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What is a troll on AB? If you get called one does it mean a compliment?
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is that wrong? is there a cure for it? will i always be like this ??
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im off to bed this is deader than a doddos birthday party on here. after my sleep earlier im wide awake . but i will just have to drift off. see yuo tomorrow gimps lol
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And so this is christmas and what have you done?? another year over and a new one just begun. what have you done eh? look back over the last year. how mucvh farther on are you? what have you done or...
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As most of you know i have the physique of johnny vegas as well as the twisted sense of humour to match it . since ive been back in scottyland for a week ive started to grow a bit of a vegas type...
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Has she been banned?
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Have a look at the pictures of this island: and tell me that you would not want to be stranded there. Its so beautiful, unspoilt and plain gorgeous. Does...
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is what a man should be- tall dark , hansome , with his own business where o where are the liams round my way ?????? answers on a postcard please
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did he commit suicide or was "eliminated" by Henry VIII?
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those of you who have a mother, love her while you may, because we wish with all our hearts, that ours were here today i miss mine so much x
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quick question quick answers. suicide is it right ? or is it wrong? and why?
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Does anyone remember them? Some of them were chocolate with white chocolate on the inside and the others were.. wait for it... vice versa! Bring them back I say!
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I don't mean to sound like a moaning ninny but surely REDHEAD24's repeating posting in B&S about stuff that isn't even related to B&S should have something done about it? It's off putting when I log...

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