its a bit quiet on here this sunday morning. i can almost hear the tumbleweeds blowing thru cb and the rest of answerbank too. whats up? was the defeat at the rugby really that bad??
Goodmorning from banned bigmamma . I am speaking to you from a dark and damp AB dungeon where I have been languishing since the fault with continuel refreshing on friday, accidently blaimed again for...
Thats it, the sane dayshift are logging off, the inane idiots on the AB user night shift can post idiotic youtube links to your hearts content night night losers Xx
1) How many youtube links has leg end posted today ? 2) Will leg end and the gonad-free imbecile speling-freak end up in a moronic embrace in Tenerife ? I was going to ask a question about frogs but...
Given the choice, whats most important in a future partner, (all other things being equal, and other factors like personality aside) - Beautiful face or beautiful body? which would you prefer?
I really want to go away somewhere in Europe for a few days. Where can I go? When should I go? I want to go sightseeing not clubbing or anything like that!!
A report has found that half of single mothers don't want to work. Labour is trying to reduce the number of people on living on benefits and current schemes to get lone parents into work are currently...
watching sky news today i was shocked to hear a policemans testimony. he said "i pointed him out on the train and said thats him .he got up so i grabbed his arms by his side and tried to make him sit...
do you think that is old fashioned that children are better off with the mother whatever the mother does, it upsets me that there are so meany fathers out there that would make a better father than...
'I know not with what weapons World War Three will be fought, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones.' - Albert Einstein And I was wondering if anybody can beat that for a quote?
1) What will you be doing at 5.24pm? 2) What is on top of your wardrobe? 3) Do you know any people called Nigel or Debbie?bonus if they are a couple... 4) Do you subscribe to any magazines? 5) Have...