anyone know what song this is from??? "She would never say where she came from Yesterday don't matter if it's gone While the sun is bright Or in the darkest night No one knows She comes and goes " dum...
are we just here as random beings and we make our own destiny? or is there a masterplan? is there a grand puppetmaster on high pulling our strings and controlling our every move and our destiny? do we...
am i the only one thats wondering when theyre gonna have a different poll? are they too busy removing posts to bother posting a new poll? we aere all now in a majority agreement that "You would never...
well theres this guy at work who i think is a really nice guy to me. question is why is he being so nice? we`d joke away and have a laugh.he says im a good looking guy and has asked me if i wanna go...
It's my birthday today and I got a laptop. However all I can do is moan and groan that I didn't get as much spent on me as my other friends did on their 21st. My gielfriend got a car for her 21st and...
What puts a smile on your face first thing in the morning? Please try and keep it clean............ I'm feeling happy and bouncy today - the sun always makes me smile And it's Friday yay
Since me and my ex broke up a year an a half ago I have reconnected with a lot of friends I lost touch with whilst I was with him! Not for any major reason did we lose touch, just that I was with my...
So answerbank is having a sex party type fancy dress ball. Who would you go dressed as ? Its a maked ball btw so no need to worry about being recognised. Who would cop off with whom? And who would end...
Just exactly where are the HQ of answerbank. The home or help pages don't give much away. I just wondered about the adverts, do they contact answerbank or does AB approach them for business. They...
what can you say on here that wont get banned or removed ? why cant we have fun chat ? that drawing thing mrkowall put on here last night was really funny ,,,,,,,,,,,,,but its gone now :(
Just had ed remove my question asking my AB friends for help to cheer me up . Have you been upset at having a polite question not allowed , or am I over reacting ?
Is it true that coffee can increase your stress levels? I drink about 3-4 cups every morning when at work. I am a very laid back individual so need something to give me that 'edge'. Is coffee the way...
hers a question that has crossed my mind more than a few times . ive only been online for 16 months but i know folk who have been on a lot longer on sites like ab and the old cb, that there have been...
Not sure if this has been brought up on B&S in the past, but what is it with this dumping someone by txt this days. It seems to be the younger element of society that are doing it tho i know a few...
I was having an absolutely RUBBISH day today withboss from bad I was almost in tears. Then,one of the guys told me that he thought I was 10yrs younger than I am-wow! How nice is that! Really...