Hi all, just want to know if anybody recommends either as I'm getting married in 3 months!
I just want to have a lovely looking natural tan on the day any advice?
Thanks in advance
Worrying news doc, As you know the area youre moving to is near blackpool. Well as its a gay mecca and also has a high number of immigrants working there and living there too, i wondered , knowing...
http://movies.msn.com/movies/movie/terminator- salvation/ not long now just seen the new trailer and the film looks top class ive been watching the terminator tv series and this will dollow on from...
Lunchtime and the gay cafe is doing a lunchtime special on spinach in a crepe accompanied by farmhouse stylr saudsage? oooooooh la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa May go for a nibble. Btw hi Boo...
Has anyone else been sent unsolicited spam emails from UKnet Guide via The Answerbank? The Answerbank MUST have something to do with this as the email was addressed to Count Funkula, a pseudonym i...
If I were to go into the PO or M&S today and hand over ?9 and ask for euros, how much would they give me? When I go onto the net I seem to get bank rates. Hope someone can help.
Started wearing really lively colours, and when i passed people how grey and black colours were so evident,in fact, tried really not wanting to go beige!!