Hi guys ,I am an ex employee of this company and have quite a few shares with them,as a shareholder what is the next step for me.I would like to sell them now,and will I get the ?8 that as been...
how do I transfer shares from my name to a family member, and how long dose this take to become legal. my company is about to be sold and I have shares that go over the tax limit.
Hi guys I am trying to update Net Framework 2.0 service pack 1 but it dosent download.Windows keeps trying to do it everytime I log on,any ideas please.
Hi guys,how do loan notes work?I have some shares to sell but i may have to pay capital gains tax and I have been told that these notes are a way of getting around this.
HI Guys,how do I run 2 computers off one broadband supply? My son keeps using mine and puts a load of 'rubbish' on it, he has a laptop of his own and he would probably want to use it in his bedroom...
Hi,downloaded the latest free prog but now its very slow to down-load any music,its always queing or waiting for sources.Are thier any filters oror is something slowing it down.
Hi Guys,which scanner would you recommend to scan 35mm negatives or photo's to my hard drive.I use picasa to tweek them,would I need another,better programme.I could pay appox ?100 for this item.
Hi Guys,I keep getting an error message when I open Outlook up (Pop 3blueyonder.co.uk server cannot connect to the mail server 0x800ccc90) any ideas please.Keep it simple.
Hi Guys, I have a money plant which is very old but seems to be dieing,I repooted it about 18months agoand it seemed to be ok but this last 2-3 weeks it as dropped a lot of its branches and (petals),...
Hi guys, I have just started my Focus 2005 1.6 petrol up and two spark plugs have just blown out of the engine!I have since been told that the water washers drip into the channel housing and corode...
Hi guys,which is better? I have MSN but the connection isn't great at times on the web-cam so is Skype best or not.I am not sure if you can use a web-cam with Skype or not