In the mid- to late 1990s there was a short-lived TV comedy series, along the lines of Bread/Father Ted, set mainly in the kitchen of a farmhouse in Ireland and with its mad-arsed family &...
Does anyone else adore this advert as I'm really worried? Every time I hear it I rush into the room and roar with laughter. I love everything about it, the music, the rhythm and above all the frog. I...
In science and mechanics, what oe same seven-letter word means the strain within a hard material when it is subjected to a twisting force, can precede 'pendulum', 'bar' (or beam) and 'balance'
I need help with these anagrams of Emmerdale characters (Take a Puzzle issue 13). It?s the only prize puzzle in the magazine I can?t do!: KING LAZED (3,6) Dan? PARK KIDDY (5,4) ZETA TOE (3,4)...
Assuming three or four hours daily usage of your computer on what occasions should one switch it off, or is it preferable to leave it running all the time? Does an idling Computer use up...
In soaps, particularly Corrie and Eastenders, whenever someone orders a pint they never specify what of! I understand that on channels such as ITV they cannot advertise but BBC is allowed to mention...
How come on some programmes such as Buffy, during the opening credits everyone gets just their name- eg Sarah Michelle Geller, Anthony Stewart Head- but then the last name says the...
Am always in stitches everytime i see the adverts for ' Yellow Pages ' with that Irish chappie in, .... cutting his neices hair...... and the one where he's dressed up as an elf,..... and...