Do they exist?? Me and a friend want to take up swimming more seriously but find that these caps are useless and taking a toll on our hair!! Recommendations plsplspls. We live in London UK so brand/...
...........the name of that old looking guy that used to present The Clothes Show Live on TV years ago? Must say I was a very disapoointed little girl when they scrapped it
I want to travel the world for 1 yr or 2, however I could easily stay to set up my business- some think I'm crazy, others think its a wicked idea. Then I tel them i don't actually have the money cash...
Does anyone else thinking that taking a trip around the world at 25, with no career firmly in place, a little hedonistic? What about a career in travelling?..........laziness, hedonistic or a bloody...
Does anyone else thinking that taking a trip around the world at 25, with no career firmly in place, a little hedonistic? What about a career in travelling?..........laziness, hedonistic or a bloody...