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Little K

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do doctors still syringe ears?   i read here 'once syringed, always syringed' and i've had mine done since i was little, every 3-5 years as has my mum but not my dad or my sister.  i am...
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what herbal supplements (from Holland and barrett etc) could i take to up my sex drive? i think the pill has lowered it. Obviously I cant take any that will affect my pill
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Generally speaking of course, why are men unable to change an empty loo roll, why do they leave dirty socks in balls all over the house and why can they only do one thing at a time? Equally why...
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So far we know ABer's ages, gender, locations, shoe sizes and various personal preferences. I thought it would be interesting to find out what my fellow ABer's jobs/careers are, so, what do you...
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My friend has just asked me to go to the Mind, Body And Soul Festival in London at the end of May.  When I was younger (and less cynical), I used to believe in the hidden truths and...
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Does anyone know how i can get rid of these, also i have really bad blemishes and i am only 23 so i have to wear foundation all the time. Cheers guys
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I suffer from small pimples on the upper parts of my arms.  They are not spots.  I have heard that this is common and may be connected to circulation.  Has anyone heard of any over the...

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