I heard this song on the radio. It is kind of a 70's rock/disco sounding song. The hook goes something like "I kept on walking through the door in the middle of the night, though I couldnt make it...
I've never watched the Ali G show- I've just seen parts of it here and there- so perhaps this explains my confusion over the show. But what I'd like to know is why he is so popular when the Black and...
Is the news content of this paper actually any higher than the sun or mirror. And do other Conservative voters find it to be of equal embarrasement to the party?
Used as a trailer/advert on tv, was a hit single. Please what is the title and artist for the song that contains the lyrics - who lives is a house like this. Many thanks
im trying to find a song but not sure if spelling of artist is right as far as i know its Cathren Stock...To Have and to Hold can anyone help Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
what is the kids quiz show where the last challenge was to get across a room by stepping on the right tiles and if you stepped on the wrong tile the contestant disappeared/ blew up?