Can someone explain exactly how the water system works and it's future? We get relatively pure (i.e. drinkable) water from our taps but people are pouring bleach, urine contaminated with...
What is the Green Party's official stance on the "wind farms spoil the landscape / nuclear power is dangerous and produces radioactive waste" arguement?
I remember a song being played on Radio 2 quite a lot about a year ago (doesn't mean it was new though). It was a man singing, about a girl I think. It was quite a slow song with...
I have a poster on my wall with Christopher Walken on a bus or train holding a gun to the head of a black woman. Can anyone tell me which film it is out of?? He looks about the same age as he...
Mathematically there is a finite amount of different combinations of musical notes and there is a much less amount of of notes that sound good together. Will there be a...