Why do so many people ask the "tasty tasty, very" question when simply typing this phrase into Google. MSN, Yahoo or AllTheWeb will return the answer about 7 times in the top 10. Let alone the...
When you look in a dictionary many words come from latin. But what did Roman dictionaries say that their words came from? Or did they have a branch of government responsible for...
I have had 2 answers banned, is there any way of finding out which they were? Obvoiusly I cannot read them but if I knew which questions they were then I would hopefully remember my answers.
I looked at the ingredients on a small bottle of Heinz tomato ketchup yesterday and the first item was "126g of tomatoes per 100g". Can anyone explain this? Thanks.
Anybody else notice how tabloid newspapers, the Daily Star in particular, find someone, anyone, turn them into a celebrity by reporting on their every single mundane act then suddenly try to sell even...
Anybody know the full track listing for the soundtrack to the 1994 film "Shopping". I know that Utah Saints and Orbital are on there. NB: If anyone can find this by searching on the internet then I...
What is the name of the sad music that is always played as background music on the radio when they are reciting a (usually funny!) but unhappy story?? It was also used in a Volkswagen advert a few...