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Bought the paper for the Madame Bovary DVD so the crossword is new to me and have struggled my way through it. I can't work out 26/27across 'Jet, large flier distracted us from battle (10, 3, 10)'
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Saturday comes round awfully quick these days. Many of you will know the drill already, for anyone new looking in, the idea is to predict Monday's Herculis link words based on todays shaded solutions...
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tony keates
Would appreciate a bit of help! 13ac.One over the eight? Search for a dandy(7). I have ??????B. 16ac. Imagine tender gorgeous hunk(9). I have ????????T. 21ac. Whiskey in Kildare maybe that could blow...
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Have found answer to Q14 in the Onelook dictionary but realise have another clue not answered. 26d To face with a coat of e.g. masonry(5) R?U?T
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23a .one of a group of caravan-dwelling people who live like gypsies not true romanies? 28a. a south american rodent? 33a. assumed surname of the russian communist leader? 17d. largest of the dark...
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one skilled in extrasensory perception telepa????? thanks in advance
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7d Single drink for someone loved by Tatyana. It's the last one and I am stuck!
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This is working apart from the fact that there is now no programme information. It used to show a title and a synopsis of each programme. I have looked through the guide etc but have no reference to...
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Yes it's that time again, week five of the fiendishly difficult guessing game. For those who've not entered before it's a chance to become an Answer Bank Legend, can you be the first person ever to...
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18d could be either Lanyard or Halyard, neither of which exactly fits the clue, any other ideas?
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I have recently heard about this and wondered if anyone has had any success and if so from which website? Is it available in the shops yet? There is a report on the BBC news website but it says to...
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51a- type of loaf ??l? 51d- tiny amount of US cash ??d cent
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Just spotted one unsolved - 21d Particular openings in the early morning (4) I?E? I always seem to find the little ones are the worst!
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Only three to go, then I'm done:- 6a List amount of liquid a swamp dweller returns (9) 23a Spanish agreement the day before riddle (5) 21d Five lose their lives outside sleazy bar (4) Advanced thanks...
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I have searched all over but cannot find the solution for 21a Flesh of the European dogfish when used for food (4) I have HU?S so I think I must have made a mistake somewhere.
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Owing to the unforseen (unauthorised?) absence of our esteemed founder (ShamrockBlue) today, who has asked that we keep alive the quest for three stars for correctly predicting the links from todays...
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22d,7,21,19,5 Result of this full-blown misinterpretation - murder most foul I have ?i?? no man ??d?? ?? ?h?? t???u?e?t ???e?? I have pondered this for 24 hours and am no further forward. Is it...
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See if anyone can scoop the 'huge rollover jackpot " this week as we look for our first outright winner. WARNING : Do not open this thread if you wish to avoid LINK solutions in Sat TEL GK. Same...
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jenny carrad
have got in a muddle with 7 down and 17 across . I thought arboreal and restaurateur but they don't fit together. Please help!!
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Help please, I'm stuck. 36a Common weeds with yellow daisy-like flowers and heart shaped leaves -o-t--o--s Thanks in advance

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