Well, as you can see from the previous post, we are starting from somewhere behind the eight-ball this morning. Without the questions, I obviously don't have the words for today, so we will have to...
Hallo again, sorry about the lateness of the clues posting, we've had a thunderstorm rolling around for the past hour or so, so I've been off the net, and with all the plugs pulled out, just in case....
Good morning everyone - here we are at the end of another month, goodness, that went quickly !! As usual, the aim will be to match our selections to the link words in this morning's Daily Telegraph,...
Here are the four shaded questions from this morning's Crossword to help with your selections 27a A series of six balls bowled consecutively to the batsman in cricket [4] 15d "They dined on mince and...
good morning everyone - well, it's that time of a Saturday to get our thinking caps on again and get ready for another blast of whatever Kate is dishing out to us this weekend. Yes, inspite of the...
Good morning everyone - all ready for the next weekend's installment of fun and games with Kate !! ?? This morning's questions appear in a post 2 or 3 back, and shouldn't be hard to find, and the...
Good morning everyone - I do hope this morning is somewhat brighter for you than the weather down here today - I just wish it would stop fooling around and rain !!! Now, inspite of some radical...
Well, what a good start to this morning this has been - not !!!!! Isn't it always the way - when you need something to run smoothly, the poltergeists are out and about, gumming up the works, For...
Good morning everyone - I'll have to be on the brief side with this or I'll miss the 7.00am slot. For your consideration, the clues were posted a while back and now for the words WASP HAPPY CLAY LEAF...
29 dn artistic movement in 19th century france depicited in pere borrell del caso's 1874 escaping criticism (7) r-a-i-k 33dn musical instrument that is literally played by the wind (7,4) a- - - k-n...
Good morning everyone - here we are already at the third week of April - goodness, doesn't time fly !! So far the new format seems to be meeting with most people's approval and it's very nice to...
Good Morning everyone - welcome to the second week of the revamped Links Game which certainly seemed to get a good reception last weekend. As we mentioned this is a trial month with a different form...
Good morning everyone - Welcome to a new month of linking and a new style to go with it. This month is a trial one, just to see how everybody feels about the scoring system as we have adopted the...
Good morning everyone - are we all ready for the final week of this contest ?? I'll do my best to post this thread to appear as close to 6.30am as possible, and then the night owls can post the link...
As always when I get to this point each Saturday, the question uppermost in my mind is not whether the Telegraph has or hasn't produced the crossword online, rather it's will AB be kind and allow this...
Good morning everyone.I trust all are well and fighting fit today and ready for a new month's contest. Now having no idea whether or not the crossword was available at midnight the time of posting...
Yes, it's week three already, flying through another month and the hot-cross buns are in the shops already - not good !!!! Now this will be short, for a change, as I'm slotting things all around...
Good morning everyone - and how are all the walking [?] wounded this morning ?? I gather some sprained ankles have been added to ongoing saga of Strix and his leg !!! Sounds a bit like Richard in The...
Good Morning all on this bright and frosty morning, in this part of north Essex the snow is slowly melting My question is 19a A very small Mesolithic flint,typically part of a composite tool I have...