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What's the strangest dream you've ever had?
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is eileen the hillman stalker????????????
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What happened to Percy & Phylis?
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please would some one explain the off side rule to me in a way a girl would understand im really looking forward to the world cup and think england stand a fair chance of winning but i would really...
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I am a 30 year old male and I have been drinking far too much in recent months and I have been experiencing pains around the area of my kidneys. I have decided to make some serious changes but should...
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how can i make my nails stronger. i had acyrilic nails done for about a month and then i coudnt afford to have it done anymore so i stopped having them done that was about 3months ago my nails still...
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Has anyone any suggestions for an alternative christening present? (I've thought of a star / tree) The family are youngish (25/27) but very traditional, I'm a mate of the mother, but would prefer not...
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Hi everyone! How was your weekend? I was here, but kept a bit quieter (don't worry, I've got questions prepared for this week- yep, they're chatty too :-)) What did you all get up to? x WS
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I have ghd's but they are on their way out I got them when they very first came out so dont know whether or not there are any better ones on market
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ive just watched Keeping Mum (British comedy with Maggie Smith/Rowan Atkinson etc and it was better than all the other new movies...A History of Violence quite good...any other goodies??
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What was your favorite question in the last week? and why?
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what games did you play outside as kids? i remember playing kirby, stuck in the mud, and 40 40.
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Is there a product or treatment than can remove dye from your hair?
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how many ABers would rather live elsewhere than where they are now. I am saving to move to the island of Rhodes. What about you lot then????
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I have had both Anorexia and Bulimia but absolutely hate talking to counsellors. I've only ever been to see NHS counsellors but maybe I need more help with diet...are dieticians any good?? I can feel...
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I'm getting rather worried. Today at school the majority of the left side of my face had spasms. I've had twitches before (eyes, fingers) but never this bad. To the best of my ability I followed the...
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what was you`re most favourite movie when you were a kid ghostbusters , the goonies , back to the future i remember taping them off the telly and watching them over and over again
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what do you hope you will be doing in 10 years?
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Would you eat your own for 1 million? Not just a bite but the whole lot.
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i no this is not a proper question but were the hell is everybody i thought i would be having a good day on ab today doesnt look like it thoughxxxxxx

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