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11d. A Foolish or hopeless, unproductive quest (4,5,5) WIL_ G_ _S_ C_A_E Many thanks - last one to get!
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Last one - 11 down. ....Land is that part of Antarctica under French sovereignty adjacent to George V Land (6) _D_L_E Many thanks.
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Probably a simple answer but stuck on 26a. Informally, bargains or things cheaply acquired (5) _N_P_ Many thanks!
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Last one to get - 19d. Mimosaceous genus of shrubs or trees with small yellow or white flowers (6) _C_C_A Many thanks
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28a highly seasoned russian soup based on beetroot and 27d German secret Police under Nazi rule
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8d perennial garden plant grown especially for its ornamental,variegated leaves 36d a contrivance for getting clothes free from damp
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Mediterrinean shrub with root used as a sweet 39a and 41a descriptive of a person who spraks to himself
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Mind has gone a blank on the last one 8d. Provides for or gives support to, particulary by supplying necessities (8) S_S_A_ _S Many thanks
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Last one to get - not a good question for a veggie!! 32a. The hardest part of the rump of cattle, or a cut of meat from it (9). A_ _C_ _N_E Many thanks.
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Last two. 1a. An idea or image that has grown stale through fixed usage (10). S_ _ _ _ _T_P_ 2d. A repeated passage in music (7). _ _ _O_ _E Many thanks
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Last two to get. 21d. An anthropoid ape, especially an orang-utan (5). P_N_O 48d. Name given to black pigs with a white stripe over their shoulders (11).S_ _D_E_A_ _S Many thanks
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Last ones to get - many thanks in advance 1a. a newspaper article written by or on behalf of Martin Townsend, perhaps (9) _D_ _O_I_L 32a. An early form of motor coach for sightseeing tours (9) C_ _R_...
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Last two to get - many thanks in advance. 17a. Small roundish boat constructed of wickerwork and made watertight (7). C_R_C_E 20d. Linguistic usage that is grammatical to native speakers of a language...
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Should know this but can't think of the word at all! 18d. Buying and selling stocks in the hope of a gain but with the possibility of loss (11) _ _E_ _L_ _I_G Many thanks
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Totally stumped - Again (all this football I'm being subjected to must be numbing my brain!) 7d. sturdy grass-cropper from the hills on the border of england and scotland (7,5) C_E_I_T_H_E_ (and I'm...
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6d. US singer who had only one UK top ten hit - "This is it!" (5,5) M_L_A_O_R_A Totally stumped with this one! Thanks.
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Last one - 27d. A solanaceous plant yielding several varieties of pepper (8) _A_S_C_M Many thanks!
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Last one which I cannot find on Google 30d. Plant of a perennial genus, such as the Baberton Daisy (7). G_R_E_A Many thanks
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Can you tell me if 32d should be "toque" or "tuque" - have seen both spellings in my searches! Thanks.
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7d. Upper part of a barrier on the deck at the stern of a ship (8) T_F_R_ _L 26d. Coat fabric of silk and wool, or cotton and rayon (8) B_ _A_H_A and finally, is 2d "glosswriter"? Many thanks in...

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