Can anybody who is remotely bothered give me the top ten acts they would line up for a FANTASY musical festival. i.e dead or alive. Here's mine.. 1) David Bowie 2) Elvis 3) Beatles 4) Frank Sinatra 5)...
You may post certain questions that give rise to google ads offering you semi bespoke shoes from Italy. Do not give in. Do not give in! Look what happened to Emelda Marcos. That's right. She got...
i was wondering if anybody had read a book called "does time exist" by Henri Salles and if so is it easy to understand, i think alot about stuff like this,and have my owne theories in my...
Hey people! what do you consider to be the single most significant event of the last 10 years and why? In my opinion i would probably say the fall of the twin towers as this lead to war, controversies...
Of all these things you can be scared of! Surely there's at least one I suffer from? How do you FEAR ruins? My life would just crumble.
Thinking about elvis's post down there vvvvvvvvvv what career do you think the cb folks would do well in? champers - well that one speaks for itself (pimp extraordinaire elvis - ...