My daughter is off work with post bereavement depression, she went to the doctors yesterday and he has signed her off for another 2 weeks and given her another prescription, she has lost 4 friends in...
how heavy are you ??? i weighted myself last night... 178lb. or 12 stone 10lb. since i was about 16 ive been roughly the same weight, give or take a couple of pounds ! as most of you will have...
Hello , great news just in .The vet just rang me with the results of Porsches lump and told me it's nothing to worry about as the histology came back as a lipoma , merely a fatty lump . I am so...
Just got up ,fed the cats washed the pots, now I'm sat having a cuppa, cats fast asleep in front of fire,I'm thinking to myself , I want to be a cat ,when and if theres a next life, what or who would...
Ive gotta say that ive become a member of a couple of other forums like this but they are all rubbish!!! everytime I decide to use AB as its just by far the greatest!!
Remaniscing today about what it was like when I was a kid ...... bob's for the gas , bob's for the lecky , party telephone lines , outside toilets that used to freeze over ! a bob for the television...
If God is so clever, could He ask a question that even he couldn't answer? OR. If God is so clever, could He ask a question so stupid that even He couldn't have asked it? goodnight fellow ABers. Peace...
1) Do you look in a persons window when you knock on their door? 2) Have to ever had your car washed by the car cleaning people at supermarkets? 3) have you ever left chewing gum/ bogies under a...
I had thought - wrongly as it turns out - that leg end was a dull stringy bit that had come out of a chicken's bum, and that I was a sprightly and interesting chitterling of endless interest and...
1) Do you ever listen to other peoples conversations? 2) Have you ever bought yorkshire tea cakes and biscuits to have with your yorkshire tea? 3) Are they well matched? 4) Have you ever forgotton...