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good morning all still dark here in bean kent! not chilly tho,oh well start of another week beckons soon be xmas, hope you all had a great weekend!
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It turns out she's Eastern European. Has she seen the "Go Home" posters and taken it literally? Was this 13 year old traumatised by the governments racist campaign. I hope all the bigots who organised...
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I was wondering if anyone knew of how to go about, how to complain about a social worker and their line manager who have lied to lots of people on a case. Do you have to contact the local council or...
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Hi can anyone out there who can help me with my question how long do you have to wait before the council can move our family into a 3 bed house, as social housing seems to take for ever. Our two...
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RATTER15 Ive always loved my Land Rovers, Ive had a few, I used to trial Land Rovers and Range...
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I'm looking for ideas for cheap days out during the summer holidays. We often go on picnics, go to museums and the beach, but with 6 weeks to fill I need some more ideas. I've got some clubcard points...
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Hi, Last night my daughter [16] had what she thought was one of her migraines. She has maybe 5 or six a year and these always end in her being sick and sleeping for about 14 hour. Last night however...
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My partner has two children from a previous relationship who are now 14 and 15 and stay far away from us. Because they are so far away we can only get them up once a year to fit in with their...
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It's my nephews birthday tomorrow and birthday people get to chose what's for dinner (he lives with us) He's requested a meat feast. What meat would you cook and what would you serve with a plate of...
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Following the impending birth, do you have any suggestions for the royal babys name if it is a girl?
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just thought you royalists would like to know
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it's an incredibly historic event this birth, it's really just dawned on me and it's emotional to think how much this is about the future.
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Björn Ulvaeus walked into a bar. He didn't even have to audition! (Took me a while, but I eventually got it)....
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Does anyone really give two hoots about either women's football or the Royal baby? And if so why?
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Happy birthday to a fellow Crab. Hope you have a great day.
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well the operation was done on tuesday, 6 hours of surgery ,shes very sore and in pain which is been managed by strong painkillers,again the surgeon said he could'nt see any spread which hopefully...
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Is this against the law? How come people can be thrown out of public places for doing it (unless it is)?...
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I was singing along to the radio this morning to "everyones a winner baby". Forgot how great they were. I was bought up with their music as Dad was a big fan. Does anyone know if they still play?...
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We are finding it impossible to fold a Lindam playpen from the Hexagonal setup can anyone offer some tips?

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