I'll be getting a 360 soon. As I can only really afford 1 game initially I'm split between GTA 4 and Fallout 3. As I'm not really an RPG fan then maybe F3 isnt for me (even though its more FPS than...
It's my son's birthday today. He's 26 (I was a very young mother). Did I call him Guy? Errr, no. That would have been very naff & he would have hated me for it. But, does anyone know anyone called Guy...
Im not a fan of New Year! I hate the pressure to have a good time and the ani-climax of the evening! I live in quite a small town and every year i say to my partner i dont want to spend new year here...
I want to start making my own clothes does anyone know what the correct name for the adjustable mannequin type things are? I've got big boobs and hips and I a little waist and Im not quite sure what...
The doctor's ive seen are useless and i was wondering if this sounded familiar to you!? I've been to doctors about this numerous amounts of times and Im being told it normal! This doesn't seem normal...
Its by lovely best friends birthday and she has always wanted a pair of stud diamond earrings! I dont have that sort of money! So do you know where i can get little stud earring that arnt actual...
Did you see the look Kat gave Rach when she voted for Rex? She glared at her for ages! Showed a nasty side i think! Why shouldnt She vote for Rex he has been soooo nasty to Rach! If Kats a good a...