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I'll be getting a 360 soon. As I can only really afford 1 game initially I'm split between GTA 4 and Fallout 3. As I'm not really an RPG fan then maybe F3 isnt for me (even though its more FPS than...
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I have been trawling the net for a nice long sleeved, maybe tunic like dress, to no avail, anyone have any idea's?? Thnx.
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Why is that? are you all ashamed of what you look like are you butters?
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Is this site one that has friendly users?
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are you going to get one, if you haven't already?
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make yourself safe and do your sewing
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and put voices too the people whos answers you read today? Or is it the flu strength lemsip talking? 0)
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Can you post a picture of yourself?
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Does anyone know the name of a British singer/songwriter from the early 80s who sang "Song for Blair Peach" and "Martha's Song"?
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It's my son's birthday today. He's 26 (I was a very young mother). Did I call him Guy? Errr, no. That would have been very naff & he would have hated me for it. But, does anyone know anyone called Guy...
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Why is it when i eat them that my pee smells of sugar puffs? And when i eat red onions its a smell of onions? Is this normal doctor ?
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No offence to the lad, but does anyone else think the kid making the Rice Krispie cakes is rather odd ?? He has such a wierd grown up voice.
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Im not a fan of New Year! I hate the pressure to have a good time and the ani-climax of the evening! I live in quite a small town and every year i say to my partner i dont want to spend new year here...
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anyone else see streaker on GMTV this morning. Ha Ha that presenter was getting really snotty with him. :-)
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Who do we think edis husband is? And who's he out to get revenge on? I have a few theories!!
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I want to start making my own clothes does anyone know what the correct name for the adjustable mannequin type things are? I've got big boobs and hips and I a little waist and Im not quite sure what...
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The doctor's ive seen are useless and i was wondering if this sounded familiar to you!? I've been to doctors about this numerous amounts of times and Im being told it normal! This doesn't seem normal...
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Its by lovely best friends birthday and she has always wanted a pair of stud diamond earrings! I dont have that sort of money! So do you know where i can get little stud earring that arnt actual...
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Did you see the look Kat gave Rach when she voted for Rex? She glared at her for ages! Showed a nasty side i think! Why shouldnt She vote for Rex he has been soooo nasty to Rach! If Kats a good a...

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