any of you girls out there fancy having a hot flush...take a look at this Italian stallion...
I found him by accident.
Hello everyone I was wanting to wear a white bow tie for going to a ball. I really just dont know if I should or not. Please could someone make my mind up for me [please as I just cant decide. Its...
I have a head , I also have a tail I move with a swaggering gait, After a while my tail becomes my head , eventually I dissapear altogether. ( i know the answer just wondering if any one else does)
4GS (the guy who physically threatns people on here) has accused me of bieng a stalker for answering his thread about the break down of his wife. why does this constitute bieng a stalker? More wild...
David Cameron's favourite 'think tank' Policy Exchange has said Liverpool and Sunderland should be shut down and called for 3 million more homes to be built in London, Oxford and Cambridge....
If some one said to you PArty Theme; Over the Rainbow ie. Anything Colourful, Magical, In the Sky or go dark side...under the rainbow. ie. Thunder, Lightning, Gremlins... What would you wear?