Many years ago D C Lee did a great song called See The Day. I wonder if anyone has considered doing a cover version of this song. I think one of these all girl groups could do a good job of it....
What was your reaction to Prince Nassem's remark that Khan's win was a victory for ' a Muslim brother' ? . As someone who enjoys boxing and who wants peoples of all nationalities and faiths to live in...
OK Folks -what do you think is the greatest ever record never to reach number one in Britain.I`ll start the ball rolling by saying mine is Fairytale of New York(although of course on the 18th there`s...
my Gunners take this season seriously? I'm all for giving the others a chance but enough is enough. We've set the target so lets play some football. Come on Man U, come on Liverpool lets try &...
can someone tell me what song "journey south" sang on X Factor at the weekend , I think it was their first song with part of the lyrics being "had a bad day"? the... 5/12/04/uiraqpolice.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/12/04/ix portaltop.html Right,what we need is a force made of people of one religion who are...
I know this has been done but i am sick of hearing of George Best as a "great man'. Outside football what has he done that makes a great man - apart from drink driving (a despicable crime) assaulting...
If the Iraqi war was ostensibly to promote world peace and the current war on terror is being waged to ensure our futures why then are Bush and Blair not even being considered for the Nobel peace...
The Conservative voters amongst us only think they're bitter about having to "endure" the current government. Really they're just angered and ashamed that their own party has taken over 8 years...
I always thought that the government of the day traditionally held their conference last. This time they held it second last. Is this something new or have I been wrong all along?