I have recently moved into a new house and have a gas boiler downstairs and a hot water tank upstairs. At the end of the central heating cycle when the boiler stops, the hot water tank (or the...
When I download a picture from the internet it is fine, and then I download a second picture and this causes Firefox to crash. I then re-start Firefox and the cycle repaets itself over and over. I use...
If a digital photo frame has a resolution of say 1024 x 768, is there any point in putting a larger image onto it, i.e., will a larger picture (say, 2048 x 1536) result in a higher quality of output?
Do all external Christmas lights come with the large 'transformer' style plug, or can they be bought / changed to an ordinary plug? How does anyone plug in their external Christmas lights ? from...
I have recently had an external power socket fitted, but the vast majority of external appliances seem to have large 'transformer' style plugs which don't fit. Can you get an external plug which does...
When my boiler turns off from heating the water, the hot water cylinder lets out a loud rattle for a second or two. Is this normal? What's causing it? Thanks.
I have an old solid wood chair that is approximately 35 years old. It came from a school, and was used day in and day out. It is in quite good condition, but needs a good clean down and then freshly...
A plumber was recently out at my house and was able to remove very stubborn pen marks on tiles with what he described as his 'magic rubber'. It was basically like a rubber / eraser but looked porous...
After loading up my new BT broadband, my computer now seems to open up lots of programmes at start-up which I don't want or need. It has gone from my computer being ready to use in one minute to about...
What is the mechanical term for the 'turbo' in a diesel Laguna? My turbo has failed and I'm trying to find out it's name so that I can see if it's in the list of things covered by my warrenty. Thanks.