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Lucy Thomas

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help required, please, tiny tasters (10) added strength for old sack (6) thanks sniffa.
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My wife is a housewife doing the things women do in the day , I would like her to earn her keep a little, is there anything out there home working which anyone can truly recommend to her as a small...
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at work today we were chatting about fears, ,my boss ( the bat from hell ) has a fear of clowns so quite soon i will change her screen saver to a clown my fear is submarines i have no reason at all...
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If you disagree sign this petition. sign.html
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Is clockwise the correct phase rotation?? Please help!!!
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I did another test today and the line was much darker, its definitely a positive! You were all right, I am sooooo happy!!! I think i am due around Oct 25/26th, anyone else having an October baby?...
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Gill 05
Been invited to a party and been told no need to take anything with me. As i've been brought up with manners lol, i'd feel weird turning up empty handed. Any ideas on what to take?
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louise jones
I have a six and half month old King Charles Cavalier spaniel who has taken to pinching a carrot each morning as I am feeding our two pet rabbits! Is it safe to let her eat a carrot each day?
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Laura Loo
Following his conviction for the murders of five prostitutes in Ipswich the families of some of the girls call for the reintroduction of the death penalty for crimes such as this. What do you think?
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I am currently liking Frankie Boyle, the man has me in hysterics.
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Lucy Thomas
There was a young man from Nantucket Whose c0ck was so big he could suck it He said with a grin wiping 5punk from his chin If my nose was a *unt I could fuc* it ____________________________ The randy...
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What a horrible night it has been on here. Everyone is now posting absolute filth, even the saintly Lucy Thomas has decided to get in on the act, another illusion shattered. I never thought...
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What did you make of their on-stage spat? I realise The Osbournes were hired because they provide car crash telly, but Sharon's clash with Vic Reeves seemed genuine - don't you think?
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Where is this place? Is it a big place?
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Now I know it's a bit of a Forest Gump but so are lots of other places, any idea why the bin lids keep topping themselves? Some sort of looney cult perhaps??
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Don't let the grass grow on stirling!
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Bewlay Bros
Wow. What a great show. Rarely does somebody from the pop world strike such a cordial note with non-pop personnel. She was funny, sweet, confident yet still maintained a pure innocence which her age...
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Doc Spock
the mrs is asleep. should I wake her up with a kiss or have a drink and talk to you lot. Is my mate knobby on.
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O -I so know I am going to be castigated for this and its not meant in a mean spirit BUT I can understand if she was merely campaigning for tighter controls. What I dont understand is why her grief...
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Is it more beneficial to live with a mother or father?

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